Pre Sales Real Estate Agreement

A pre-sales real estate agreement is a contract between a real estate developer and a prospective buyer. It is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the sale before the construction of the property is complete. The agreement helps both parties to clarify their expectations and obligations before any money is exchanged.

The pre-sales real estate agreement is becoming increasingly popular in the real estate industry. It has several benefits for both developers and buyers. For developers, it provides a way to secure financing for a project before the construction is complete. This, in turn, can help to reduce the risk of financial loss in the event of a project delay or cancellation. For buyers, the agreement allows them to lock in a price for the property before the market price increases.

What to Look for in a Pre-Sales Real Estate Agreement

When reviewing a pre-sales real estate agreement, it is important to look for certain key terms and conditions. These include:

1. Property Description: The agreement should clearly describe the property being sold, including its location, size, and any relevant details.

2. Payment Terms: The agreement should outline the payment terms, including the total purchase price, the deposit required, and any other payments that may be due.

3. Completion Date: The agreement should include a completion date for the construction of the property. This is important to ensure that the buyer knows when they can take possession of the property.

4. Penalties for Delay: The agreement should also include penalties for any delays in the construction of the property. This is important to ensure that the developer is motivated to complete the project on time.

5. Warranty: The agreement should include a warranty that covers any defects in the construction of the property. This is important to ensure that the buyer is protected in case of any problems with the property.


A pre-sales real estate agreement is an important legal document for both developers and buyers. It helps to clarify expectations and obligations and reduces the risk of financial loss for both parties. When reviewing the agreement, it is important to look for key terms and conditions, such as property description, payment terms, completion date, penalties for delay, and warranty. With a clear and comprehensive agreement in place, both developers and buyers can proceed with confidence.