Grammar Notes Lesson 5 Using Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Answers

Grammar Notes Lesson 5: Using Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement – Answers

Pronouns are words that replace nouns in sentences. Antecedents are the nouns that pronouns refer to. Pronoun-antecedent agreement means that the pronoun must agree with its antecedent in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine, feminine, or neuter). Here are the answers to the exercises in Grammar Notes Lesson 5 on using pronoun-antecedent agreement.

Exercise 1

Peter told his brother that he would come to the party.

Antecedent: Peter

Pronoun: he

Agreement: correct

Exercise 2

My sister and I finished our homework before she went to bed.

Antecedent: sister and I

Pronoun: she

Agreement: incorrect

Correction: My sister and I finished our homework before we went to bed.

Exercise 3

The team celebrated their victory over its rival.

Antecedent: team

Pronoun: their, its

Agreement: incorrect

Correction: The team celebrated its victory over its rival.

Exercise 4

Every student must bring their own lunch to school.

Antecedent: every student

Pronoun: their

Agreement: incorrect

Correction: Every student must bring his or her own lunch to school.

Exercise 5

The cat licked its paw and meowed.

Antecedent: cat

Pronoun: its

Agreement: correct

Exercise 6

The committee decided to hold its next meeting in the conference room.

Antecedent: committee

Pronoun: its

Agreement: correct

Exercise 7

My parents gave my sister and me their old car, which they bought in the 1980s.

Antecedent: parents

Pronoun: their

Agreement: correct

Exercise 8

Neither the teacher nor the students could find their textbooks.

Antecedent: teacher, students

Pronoun: their

Agreement: incorrect

Correction: Neither the teacher nor the students could find his or her textbook.

Exercise 9

All of the employees were asked to attend the meeting, but only some of them came.

Antecedent: employees, them

Pronoun: them

Agreement: correct

Exercise 10

A dog wagged its tail and barked at the mailman.

Antecedent: dog

Pronoun: its

Agreement: correct

In conclusion, using pronoun-antecedent agreement correctly is essential in written communication to avoid ambiguity and confusion. Make sure your pronouns match their antecedents in number and gender to ensure clear and effective communication.