Quality Agreement for Suppliers

A quality agreement for suppliers is a crucial document that lays out the expectations and requirements for the quality of goods and services provided by a third-party supplier. This agreement outlines the quality standards that must be met by the supplier, the testing and inspection procedures that will be used to ensure compliance, and the consequences for failing to meet these standards.

Why is a Quality Agreement Important?

A quality agreement is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to ensure that the products or services provided by the supplier meet the necessary quality standards. This is essential for maintaining the reputation of the company that is using the supplier, as poor quality products or services can reflect poorly on the entire organization.

Secondly, a quality agreement can help to avoid any potential legal issues that may arise from the use of substandard products or services. By outlining the quality standards that must be met, the agreement can provide a clear basis for legal action if these standards are not met.

Finally, a quality agreement can help to build a strong relationship between the company and its suppliers. By providing clear guidelines and expectations, the agreement can help to ensure that both parties are on the same page and working towards the same goals.

What Should the Quality Agreement Include?

The quality agreement should be a comprehensive document that includes a range of information, including:

1. Scope and Purpose: The agreement should clearly define the scope and purpose of the quality agreement, outlining exactly what products or services are covered and what the goals of the agreement are.

2. Quality Standards: The agreement should outline the quality standards that must be met by the supplier, including any specific testing and inspection procedures that will be used to ensure compliance.

3. Roles and Responsibilities: The agreement should clearly define the roles and responsibilities of both the company and the supplier. This includes who will be responsible for testing and inspection procedures, who will be responsible for reporting any issues or problems, and who will be responsible for taking corrective action if necessary.

4. Consequences for Non-Compliance: The agreement should outline the consequences for failing to meet the quality standards laid out in the agreement. This may include financial penalties, termination of the agreement, or legal action.

5. Change Control: The agreement should include a change control process, which outlines how any changes to the quality agreement will be managed and communicated between the company and the supplier.

6. Confidentiality: The agreement should include provisions for confidentiality, outlining how any sensitive or proprietary information will be protected.


A quality agreement for suppliers is an important document that helps to ensure that the products or services provided by a third-party supplier meet the necessary quality standards. By outlining quality standards, roles and responsibilities, consequences for non-compliance, and change control processes, the agreement provides a clear framework for the relationship between the company and its suppliers. Ultimately, a quality agreement can help to build a strong and productive relationship between the two parties, while also ensuring that the needs of the company and its customers are met.